Monday, November 10, 2008

My Little Jill-o-Lantern

Friday night, Stefan and I went to a movie leaving the girls in Faron's ever-capable hands. Lexi apparently lost a tooth while we were gone. She didn't realize it when it happened...nor did he. I'm guessing she swallowed it. Lexi informed me of the loss on Saturday. Could it be that she was testing the theory of the Tooth Fairy, or did she really not notice? Who knows. Anyway, once I was enlightened I told her to write a note to the Tooth Fairy. She typed it out on the computer and it went something like this:

Dear Tooth Fairy,

I swallowed my tooth. Can you still give me money? If so, can you make it $10?

Your Friend,

Nah, she doesn't ask for much...really! So Saturday passed and the tooth fairy never came. Why? Stefan and I blamed it on the fact that Lexi didn't put out her special tooth pillow with a pocket for the treasure. So, last night was the night. The tooth fairy came, but Lexi did not receive her $10. She got $1. That'll teach her to be demanding!

Flash forward to this afternoon.

I returned home from school, got the report from my mom that Abby had been good (thank God!) and after she left, Lexi informed me that she had discovered another loose tooth and that she hadn't been wiggling it at all(I do think thou dost protest too much, dear Lexi). So she showed me and this tooth was ready to come out too. Lexi persisted to "not wiggle" the tooth and after a few short moments it fell out.

Now Lexi has a very toothless grin. She is missing 3 out of 4 of her front teeth on the top. The one she does have is only halfway grown in in the year that has passed since the baby tooth vacated the spot. Another is just barely breaking the gums, so it'll be at least another year before that gap is filled.

I told Lexi tonight at dinner that I would not be able to look at her without giggling for quite a while. It's such a sight to see. She seemed to think that would be giggling, that is.

So, my dear Tooth Fairy, I do apologize that we couldn't have saved you a trip. It looks like you'll be returning again tonight--the second night in a row. You might as well add us to your frequent flyer list.



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