Friday, December 14, 2007

Abbyism of the week (and introducing Mylee)

Abby's personality is truly shining through. She has a good start to a vocabulary as well as smarts that just astound me. Within the last few weeks she has started to identify body parts. I taught her where her bubba (belly button) is and she'll lift her shirt and point to it when prompted. Recently she learned her nose but there is a glich there. When you ask where her nose is she sticks her finger up it! One day I'll get a pic of it.

She also has grown to love having her teeth brushed. I keep her toothbrush and paste in my bathroom and whenever she can sneak in there she points at them and says "this?" until you finally oblige her. I think one day she may be a dentist....who knows. ::shrug::

Another possible career path for her is that of a veterinarian. This girl loves animals! Especially dogs. We'll be in a store shopping and she will see a picture of one and yell "Gog, gog! Woof woof!!" It's too cute. My mom recently got a 8 1/2 week Shih Tzu named Mylee that tips the scales at one pound on the nose (envision Abby with her finger in her nostril here-that's what I do when I hear the word nose anymore). She is about the size of a guinea pig and Abby is in love with her which shouldn't surprise me given her dog infatuation.

Anyway, here are pics of Abby's latest object of affection:

And here she is standing (yes she is standing) next to a Coke can just to give you some perspective of her size.

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