Friday, December 14, 2007

Tis the Season

Last night I dropped Abby at my mom and dad's to sleepover so I could hopefully clean house this morning. When I woke up I decided that my time without the kiddos would be better spent wrapping the gifts that would rest under the tree. Well, 4 1/2 hours later I am finally done. It seemed that whenever I thought I was finished I would think of other gifts stuffed in corners throughout the house whether for our immediate family or friends. Then when I really thought I was done Lexi comes home with her gifts purchased at her very first visit to Santa's Workshop at school. I told her to give my gift to Daddy and he would help her wrap it later. As for her gifts for him and Abby all I can say right now (because Daddy reads this) is that they were obviously very well thought out.

I remember my first trip to the workshop when I was her age. My mom was working in the workshop that year and when it was my class's turn to shop she had to vacate the premises. Someone helped me shop and I thoughtfully picked out a medium sized pink teddy bear for my mom, a small purple bear for my oldest sister since purple was her favorite color at the time, a small blue bear for my older sister, and a large green bear for my dad (for obvious reasons). I was so proud of my purchases and thought I had truly chosen the perfect gift for each person. I couldn't figure out why all the adults were giggling at the time but it all makes sense now.

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