Friday, June 20, 2008

Abby's Mommy Boycott

It's a phase...I know that's what most of you will be thinking. I mean, hey, I thought it too. I've also thought that I could make it through with my emotions unscathed as long as I kept telling myself that. Let me backtrack.

Since Stefan has been laid off from his job, Abby's go-go behavior has slowed down and her head-banging-kicking-and screaming-out-of-control tantrums have subsided drastically. I was enjoying the change of pace until she started boycotting me. She's always been a Daddy's girl and prefers him over me if given the choice; but whenever he wasn't around, she'd be satisfied with little ol' me. Now it appears she wants anybody BUT me.

Yesterday it took Barbara 20 minutes to leave the house after watching Abby while I was in school because every time she'd try, Abby would reach for her and Barbara can't resist that. Who could? A classmate of mine was here to work on homework together and Abby preferred her. I keep repeating to myself, "It's just a phase. It's just a phase. It's just a phase." As much as I tell myself that, I still can't help but feel alienated (especially with Lexi gone on a camping trip and no one else to turn to).

After Stefan got home from work yesterday, he decided that Abby needed a nap at 5:45 p.m. Normally, I'd say that it's too late in the evening for a nap, but he was the one dealing with her since she's on a mommy boycott. So who am I to say when he needs to tough it out until bedtime? She took a nap and while Stefan took a shower later in the evening, I gently woke her up so I could change her diaper and her clothes. She wanted to lay with us in bed and watch TV and that was fine until she snuggled in so close to Stefan and shoved me away whenever I came too close to them. This became too much. My feelings were hurt and the little tike actually brought a few tears to my eyes.

It's just a phase. It's just a phase. It's just a phase!!!

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