Monday, June 30, 2008

Lexism of the week

We went to Pigeon Forge this weekend with Stefan's parents, his brother, and the girls. It was a fun weekend (with the exceptions of Abby at mealtimes). We went to Dollywood which was okay, but I think that place was really designed for children 10 and up. The kiddie area was like any pop up carnival and most of the other rides (with a few exceptions) were really geared toward the older kids. We did a lot of outlet mall shopping and I found some great deals for back-to-school clothes for
Lexi. Here are some pics from the trip.

On the way home, we followed the GPS which took us on the scenic route through Tellico Plains and Blue Ridge instead of going through Knoxville and Chattanooga on 75. It was a nice close to the trip until we were about 3 miles from home on 575. We were merely driving down the road when a teenager in a Ford pickup weaved his way in front of us in the left hand lane in such a way that ran the guy next to us off the road. I'm a nervous passenger anyway, but this would make anyone panic. The guy that was run off the road was able to recover without incident, but the way the crazy driver continued to weave and cut people off really upset Stefan. It turns out that the kid was getting off on our exit so Stefan followed him to the gas station, pulled in behind his truck, and proceeded to scold the kid for his erratic driving. The kid claims he is 18, but I'm not so sure about that. Stefan told the kid, "I'm 30 and I've been there. It's not cool." The kid had the typical dumb look that teenagers get when they know they've been caught doing something they shouldn't. He claimed that he didn't cut us off saying that if he made it in front of us, he couldn't possibly have cut us off, etc. Stefan realized we were getting nowhere with this kid despite pointing out that he could've killed our kids in the backseat, so he decided it was time to finally go home. As we were pulling away, Lexi said, "Um...Dad? Actually, you're 31 not 30." Nice.

The only positive I can take from that situation is, if the kid is 18 like he claims, if (God forbid) he ever does cause a bad wreck, he will be charged as an adult if anyone does die because of his idiocy.

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