Friday, January 25, 2008

A long night

Current mood: sleepy

About 11 o'clock last night I started reading a book, Hatchet, for my English class. This is the third of about fifteen I will have to read this semester. In true Young Adult Literature fashion, a lot happened in the first 30 pages. I was seriously getting into the plight of the protagonist when Abby awoke quite suddenly at 11:30. I went upstairs and she and I lay in bed until Stefan got home. Around 12:45 a.m. Stefan laid her back down in her crib and after a bit of her fussing she settled in. Imagine our surprise when she awoke again at 4! Stefan handled her until I had to get up to get Lexi ready for school at 6 although I doubt much meaningful sleep took place on my part in those two hours. So here I am. At 6:45. Stefan is sleeping. Lexi is ready for school. And Abby is still wide awake. Uggggh!!! The worst part? I'm sure she'll be ready for a "nap" within the next hour/hour and a half yet I won't be able to reep the benefits of going back to bed like Stefan because I have to go help in Lexi's class at 8:30. I need some Starbucks.

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