Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Children are so mean yet so sweet

This was my first week of school since last Fall semester. I bit the bullet and reduced my load from full-time (4 classes) to part-time (3 classes). I can't believe that I was thinking of adding another class! Linguistics and Spanish weren't the problem. Nope. The problem was Math - not that the subject matter is too difficult (I am going to teach it for crying out loud!) it's the teacher is unrealistic. Correct me if I'm wrong, but should an undergraduate/3 credit hour course require a 30 page single spaced term paper on top of the regular quizzes and exams AND require attendance at AT LEAST 3 - 4 two hour talks outside of class on Math? I think this teacher fell off his rocker! Needless to say, I dropped the class last night after spending six hours on a homework assignment that is due on Monday. That's six hours of my life that I can never get back.

Lexi has been exhausted this week. Two days already she has sneaked upstairs to play without telling me and when I find her she is in bed with her My Little Ponys by her side. She did it for the third time today only it was late enough that I just allowed her to stay asleep for the night. Poor kid!

Speaking of poor kid...I felt so bad for the little tyke the day before yesterday. Let me preface this tidbit with the fact that there are only 5 girls in Lexi's class including her. That said...during outdoor time on Tuesday Lexi wanted to play with a girl named Savannah. Lexi is in a boys are gross phase (that I hope lasts 20 years) and only wants to play with girls and only wants to pray for girls at bedtime. Well, evidently a little boy decided to tell Lexi to find another friend and that Savannah was his friend. With that he grabbed Savannah's hand and off they went leaving Lexi alone. Her feelings were sooooo hurt. When she told me the story, I wanted to rip that little boy's hair out of his head one-by-one. When I asked her why she didn't play with Katie (a little girl she mentions all the time) she said that Katie wasn't at school. Then I asked her about the other two girls and she said that they were already playing together. She seems to think that it is only possible to play in pairs. My heart went out for her at bedtime later that night. We said the normal prayer..."Now I lay me..." and then when I asked her if there was anyone she wanted to pray for (expecting her normal response of a long list of girls) she said something that surprised me.

She said, "Mommy, can we pray for DJ to become nice?" That's my girl! Such a sweet little heart she has.

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