Saturday, October 14, 2006

My little trooper

My little trooper
Current mood: bored

Well, it seems everyone's prayers are helping. Cassi is showing signs of improvement. Thursday night she ventured out of her crate all on her own without too much stumbling. She came in the living room where she gave Kahlua and Brandi (her furry brother and sister) kisses as if to tell them that she is okay. She wagged her tail a bit and went back in her crate. She's still a bit lethargic and her head is still tilted (something that may never go away) but her attitude seems to be pepping up.

Last night we got some cute pictures of Abby in her Bumbo seat. She was in such a good mood.

Stefan had to work this morning so I took the girls to the playground so that Lexi could play. When Daddy came home, we had lunch, cleaned a little and the four of us went on a walk around the neighborhood with our neighbor, Susan, and her baby, Evan. It is such a nice day out. Cool enough for long sleeves, but not cold enough for a jacket.

Once we got home, Stefan decided to patch a hole in the garage wall to which Lexi was thrilled to help. She is actually a good little helper.

While inside, abby did some push ups.


We hope you all have a good weekend.

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