Monday, November 06, 2006

Church, errands, Santa Claus, and conferences

Church, errands, Santa Claus, and conferences
Current mood: amused

The past couple of days have been super busy. Yesterday we went to church in the morning and Brother Lamb (haha he hates to be called that) kicked off a huge series on anger a much needed series for everyone. He mentioned different types of anger cleverly relating them to weather events - snow storm, thunderstorm, tornado, and hurricane - making the types easy to connect with. I, however, think that everyone has some sort of storm raging inside of them that they're unaware of and I think Gary made us all painfully aware of it. It's funny that he mentions stuff just as events occur in my life that make me think that he is talking directly to me since I just had a couple of episodes (one relating to road rage on 575) but I'm sure that all that were there felt the same way to some degree.

After church, we piled in the trusty SUV and ran errands on 92. With two kids in tow, it took about twice as long as it would have, but I enjoyed spending the time together as a family since Stefan worked Saturday morning painting the floor (a tidious and annoying task) at work. He works so hard and I love him dearly for it. We came home to drop the fruits of our journey, feed the baby, and off we were to see our friends' new home. This home would be my dream if only we could afford it (which we never would be able to) and if it came with a maid. I'm so happy for them and know that they will be so much happier there, but I couldn't help being in a funk feeling like the friendship will never be the same because they used to live just down the street and we have grown used to impromptu meetings in the common area across from our house. The upside though is that they started going to Ridge Stone Church a few weeks ago and plan on continuing so at least we will see them there each week.

From their house, we went to Wal Mart to get some things I've been meaning to get for awhile. Abby was agreeable as always and I felt that Lexi was being well-behaved considering the busy day, but you could tell that her incessant gabbing was wearing on Stefan's nerves. This was funny to me because he doesn't understand what I'm talking about when I say that I feel that I cannot complete a thought in my mind without interruption. He knows now! On the way home Lexi was gabbing to which Stefan said, "Lexi I want you to be quiet until tomorrow." He then turned to me and said, "I'll say the same thing in the morning." I just grinned knowing that he now knows what I deal with everyday of the week.

Today, my mom and I went to Town Center mall. I was in the process of complaining about Christmas decorations being out too soon this year (before Halloween) when we spotted Santa Claus sitting alone in his majestic wonderland. I looked at mom and she looked at me. We both looked at Abby and said "What the heck." I plopped Abby on his lap and had a picture done for her first Christmas just in case Lexi pulls her hysteria again this year and ruins their picture. At least I'll have one of Abby alone for her first although she looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

Tomorrow is the day for scheduled parent-teacher conferences. We'll see how that goes. They scheduled 15 minute blocks, but if the last impromptu conference we had is any indication, I'm sure that won't be enough. Ugh!!!

Currently listening :
Look to You
By Hillsong United
Release date: By 03 May,

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