Thursday, November 09, 2006

Let's get quizzical

Oh my goodness this week has seriously been a test of my mental strength. I had two pop quizzes on Tuesday neither of which I did well on. I am not exaggerating. I wasn't prepared for either one and my grades reflected such. Since there were quizzes in each class Tuesday you might think that today was safe, right? Wrong! I had an announced quiz in English and another pop quiz in Spanish. Needless to say, I'm glad that the academic week is over for me. Now I just have two papers to write for next week. You can tell that finals are around the bend.

I registered for Spring semester today. I'm taking two classes - Spanish Grammar and Composition as well as Learning Styles, Motivation, and Classroom Management. I'm considering adding another class, but I'll probably talk myself out of it. Yes, I would like to finish soon, but I also don't want my kids to suffer at the expense of my education.

I had a parent-teacher conference with Lexi's teacher on Tuesday. She's doing great as far as material goes, but she's still lagging a bit socially. Part of the reason is that she only wants to play what SHE wants to play. I've talked to her about this plenty of times using the opportunity to reinforce a lesson at school on "what it is to be a good friend." I told her that if she doesn't play what others want to play every once in awhile, then the other children will not want to play with her because they never get to play what THEY want. She understands the concept, but does not put it to practice. Oh well, she knows what she wants and if it doesn't bother her, it shouldn't bother me.

The teacher told me to start Lexi with early readers to expose her to sight words. I chuckled. Lexi and I have been working on sight words that I downloaded from the elementary school's website and I've been reading those early readers with her for almost a year! She has a couple that she can even read on her own. This doesn't surprise me that she is ahead in this area because she has always enjoyed being read to.

Abby is doing good as normal. She is growing like a weed! I've finally figured out how to make her giggle. Her giggles are hers and she reserves them for special occasions. She oos and coos alot, but I'm talking full out giggles. I love it!

Sorry no pictures for this post. I'll try to shoot a few for the next one. Until then....

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