Saturday, November 11, 2006

Julius Stealzer

Today has been a very busy day mostly surrounding the task of getting the girls' pictures done. It started at 10 am when I called for an appointment and they gave me a time of 3:20. With that I started preparing for the task with baths for both girls (and me too) and then I had to tackle Lexi's hair. We tried unsuccessfully to curl it, but I didn't have enough time for the curlers to heat up enough. So, we had to straighten it back out.

On the way, we stopped and got tights and shoes for Lexi since I wasn't planning on doing this today. We barely got there in time for our appointment. Am I glad that we went there! These photographers are the best. I was not disappointed in a single pose or shot. It was hard to decided which to pick.

The following are pictures of the pictures. These are for viewing only. No copying.

After getting pictures done we decided to treat Lexi to a tasty treat. Orange Julius was just around the corner so we decided that Orange Julius it is. Lexi (who doesn't care to try many new things) was very apprehensive and wanted her old faithful standby, apple juice. I tried my hardest to convince her to try an Orange Julius knowing full well that she would like it, but she would not budge. She spotted that they had ice cream (because they were also a Dairy Queen) and begged for that until I caved. She and I sat down with her cup of tasty goodness and then she remembered that she doesn't like things that are cold. I looked at the cup and couldn't let it go to waste. I gave her a sip of my Pina Colada Julius and she liked it. But, since it had pineapple and her system doesn't tolerate it, Stefan offered up a taste of his Orange Julius. Lexi loved it and didn't want to give it back. Stefan got stuck with the cup of DQ ice cream. Lexi continued to scarf down the yummy, foamy, concoction until the darn thing was two sips from being done. Poor Stefan, all he got were the last two sips (probably backwash). I love it!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you are receiving the comments, but I enjoyed your story the second time. Thanks for posting the pictures. They are so beautiful.