Friday, December 15, 2006

If we took a holiday - just some time to celebrate...(Madonna circa 1983 man I'm old)

Current mood: indescribable

Well, I can officially say that the semester is over since the grades have been posted. I ended up with an A in linguistics and a B in Spanish. I was a bit surprised. In fact, I expected the grades to be reversed but I'll take what I get.

Today is Lexi's Holiday program at school so stay tuned for pics and videos of it. Last night she was coughing and running a fever so I wasn't sure she was going to be able to go. I doctored her up with Vicks 44 for the cough and children's Tylenol for the fever. Thankfully, this morning she felt considerably cooler but yet slightly feverish. I decided to take the chance and send her to school. Normally I wouldn't do this, but she has been looking forward and rehearsing for this program all month. She would have been heart broken if I said that she had to stay home!

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