Friday, December 15, 2006

Rudolph the Red-Eyed Reindeer, Hanukkah, and my puddly, piddly, poodle
Current mood: sympathetic

Today was such an eventful day, I don't know where to start.

Lexi's Holiday Program was today. Let's be honest, it was a Christmas program that ironically was on the first day of Hanukkah. Anyway, when we got there the kids were on the playground getting fitted with reindeer antlers and blinking reindeer noses. Stefan and I got seats next to the door. When the kids came in, Lexi acted pretty shy.

This was the beginning of the end. The chin started to tremble and the tears began. I guess it was due to these factors:
1) She was taken aback at the amount of people there.
2) She is still sick and wasn't feeling well.
3) She wanted Sparkly (the beanie baby Stefan and I brought home from our trip to Texas)

When she got to her mark on the floor, she had a meltdown.

Believe it or not, this was not the worst case of stage fright. At this point a boy was escorted away by his mommy because he was heaving. Yum I know.

The teacher moved her to the side. I noticed her mouth the words teddy bear and suggested Stefan get Sparkly from her backpack. He discretely had the bear passed to her and she sulked as the rest of the class performed "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer", "The Chubby Little Snowman", and "Jingle Bells."

Afterward, Lexi had five apple slices. Why 5? In Lexi's words, "Because I'm five!" She and I did a craft sticking little foam decorations on a white foam candy cane. We also made reindeer food with oats and glitter to sprinkle on the front lawn on Christmas Eve to attract the reindeer to our house. Lexi also found out that next week she will be the star student in her class. She has to make a poster with some pictures of her on it. Usually the teacher sends home the poster on Monday to be returned on Tuesday, but she gave Lexi extra time because she knows how creative and precise Lexi is. I don't know WHERE she gets this from. Anyway, she also gets to bring in various things throughout the week to show to the class. On Friday, Stefan and I will be able to join her for lunch. That'll be nice. At this point, all was good with Lexi. Here is a picture of her with her teacher, Mrs. Eastridge taken at Lexi's request.

We left so that she could celebrate the first day of Hanukkah with Daddy. She opened a present from her Aunts Sunny and Arlene. They got her a Dora Talking Cash Register. She loved it!!!!! She wanted to play with it right away but we wanted to take a picture for Sunny and Arlene. She didn't want a picture she wanted her toy so she was being stubborn with the smiles. The only half smile she was able to muster was when I told her to say, "Daddy has a stinky butt." Hey whatever works. I plead the fifth on if this is true or not.

Onto Cassi news, I heard from the vet and she said that what Cassi experienced the last couple of days were more likely seizures. Seizures and Vestibular Disease have common symptoms but Vestibular Disease episodes do not resolve themselves quickly like these two did. For now we'll wait for the next episode. When that occurs (depending on the severity) we'll discuss medication (phenobarbitol (sp?)) or "other courses of action." She said that these episodes do not concern her so much. But she did say that when Cassi had her episode in October that it was one of the worst she has seen and that she didn't expect Cassi to recover from that. Hummmm.....

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