Sunday, December 31, 2006

51 weeks of shopping remain for Christmas 07

Current mood: lethargic

Sorry about the gap since the last blog. I've been sick with an upper respiratory infection since last Friday and with our friends' wedding and Christmas, I've been too busy to dedicate much time at all to journaling our week.

We'll start with Christmas Eve. We went to church in the morning and the service was rockin. The worship hall was packed and the music was awesome. Gary really brought home a great sermon. The girls had stayed the night at Nana and Papaws so they missed the children's festivities in Tiny Town. After church we did some last minute shopping at Wal-Mart and picked the girls up. We collaborated in the afternoon to make my mom's special coffee cake. For it being our first attempt, I think we hit it out of the park. We then went to my parents house for the big family thing. We had munchies and the kids opened their presents and ran around like crazy. Afterward, we all went to see "Charlotte's Web" which Lexi loved. We then returned home and, once the kids were in bed, Stefan and I had a wrapping party.

Christmas day. It was a good day. My parents came over to watch the girls open their presents in the morning and to partake of the infamous coffee cake. Judging by their reaction, I think we did a good job. I did not have a voice at first and felt pretty cruddy. Around noon my parents took off for my sister's house and we spent the rest of the day putting toys together and watching Lexi play with them all. Abby had a couple of firsts. She ate in her high chair and also had her first biter biscuit. Here's a pic.

Lexi had fun opening her presents and Abby's too.

The rest of the week, Stefan worked like crazy on his newest and biggest client while I tried to nurse myself back to health and take care of the kiddies.

In more Abby news...she cut her first tooth yesterday and has graduated to the next car seat because she outgrew the length of her infant carrier.

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