Wednesday, January 03, 2007

So, you had a bad day...(or two)

Current mood: annoyed

Happy New Year everyone! Our New Year was so boring and uneventful I'm almost ashamed to even mention it. We stayed home and rented some movies (The Devil Wears Prada, My Super Ex Girlfriend, and The Last Kiss). After the kiddies were fast asleep we watched the first, The Devil Wears Prada. This was a good flick and had us both entertained. When it was over, it was 10:15. We decided "What the heck!" and popped in My Super Ex Girlfriend. In the first 5 minutes we decided that this was a movie that we would both suffer through so we shut it off right then. I suggested getting in bed and watching the New Years Eve stuff on TV. At 11, Stefan dozed off and I rang in the New Year pathetically alone despite my best efforts to wake him.

I made a gross discovery on Monday. The blanket I've been working on for my neighbor was almost complete. I just needed to crochet a few more squares and assemble it. Well, I had to throw it all away because one of my dear mutts decided to get mad at me and pee all over the squares. It's not worth trying to figure out which ones did not get the urine bath. Plus I would be mortified to take the chance and wash it only to give it to her later and have her super-sensitive pregnant nose pick up on the faint odor. No sir! It's trash. So now I must start all over again!

Monday, we took Lexi bowling which she LOVES. The first game I struggled to get back in the grove. I used to carry a 180 average the last time I bowled in a league, but that was almost 3 years ago! I couldn't throw that ball at the same spot twice and got one strike and one spare the entire game. The second game is when I perked up. I opened with a turkey. Stefan decided that we would play for dishes for a week. The whole game I was in the groove. I ended up with a 212. Stefan really had to work hard at the end to catch up and he also got a 212. So I guess the dish situation remains the same as usual. But we are both still sore. I miss bowling. That's how we met. It's how we used to have fun. But when he got switched to second shift, that's were it ended. Maybe one day...

Abby has been having cold symptoms since she cut her first tooth. To a certain degree you can blame it on the tooth, but I started getting worried that this may be another wave of the upper respiratory infection that has been making its rounds around our house as of late. I took her to the doctor this morning and he said it is only a cold - no infection. I had to pay a copay and lug two kids to the doctor's office for that? They probably caught something much worse while they were there than what I was there for. Oh well. Saline drops, PediaCare, Tylenol, and nasal aspirators here we come!

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