Friday, January 12, 2007

On when what you can do just isn't good enough

Current mood: disappointed

This is just a rant of which most of you should just ignore...the only reason I'm posting it is so when I look back at this entry in a few months I can laugh at myself.

I recently volunteered for the infant room at our church. I volunteered to serve both services on the third Sunday of each month. That wasn't good enough because they want me to serve every Sunday for one service. Don't get me wrong. I love our church and the messages we hear each week and the fellowship. This situation just struck a chord and kind of offended me.

Those that know me know that Stefan and I only have Saturdays and Sundays together and, in many ways but not all, I live a life much like most single moms in the sense that the care for our children is mostly up to me and if I want to do something, I must make sure that my children are tended to first or I don't get to do what I want to. And I'm fine with that.

My free time is very limited. So, for me to volunteer it means that I believe in the reason for which I am volunteering. I kind of feel that this situation applies to the old saying, "Give an inch and they'll take a mile."

There are so many times when I feel inadequate because I don't have time to do everything that my heart wants me to because I'm doing what my kids need me to do. Again, I'm fine with that but this situation just magnified that feeling of inadequacy. I guess it's not so much about the volunteering just the reminder of how little time we have as a family that has me so bothered.

End rant.

Since writing this, I received an email saying that what I can do is good enough. I told you I would laugh at myself. I feel like a big idiot.

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