Monday, March 03, 2008

Abbyism of the Week

I always suspected that one day Abby would have a run in with the law, but I didn't think it would happen this soon.

Today, I was killing a few minutes before I had to get Lexi ready for soccer. Lexi was in her room watching TV and Abby and I laid on the bed relaxing to a little Oprah. She was fiddling with the remote...or so I thought. Apparently it was the phone because I started to hear "Hello? Hello?" I reached over and took the phone from her. Confused, I responded to the voice on the other line. "Hello?" I asked. "This is 911, can I help you?" I was mortified! I explained that the baby had dialed the phone and apologized profusely. The dispatcher asked if everything was okay and I assured her it was. Nonetheless, a few minutes later a very serious, very inquisitive officer showed up asking if everything was okay. Again, I assured him everything was fine. He looked over my shoulder into the house and then stared into my eyes and asked, "Are you sure?" A light bulb went off and I realized that he thought I might have been in a hostage-type situation. Again, I assured him everything was fine and apologized about nine more times.


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