Thursday, March 27, 2008

Lexi's First Soccer Game, Dying Easter Eggs, and Sami's Birthday Party

Lexi's first soccer game finally took place last Saturday. I say 'finally' because this was supposed to be the third game of the season but the first two were postponed because of weather. Anyway, the game was memorable but not for the obvious reasons. First of all, it was at 8 a.m. Who the heck schedules a 6 year old soccer game at 8 a.m.? Whoever it is, they obviously don't have a 6 year old. Secondly, it was COLD and that was magnified by the fact that the field she was playing on was in the shade (which made it only colder) and I thought that it would be warmer, so I totally underdressed her. Finally, Lexi started the game and when she caught a glimpse of a whole other team on the field, she flipped out and pulled herself out of the game never to return. She claimed the main reason was that she was cold but later admitted that she was nervous because she didn't know the other team. Go figure.

After the game, Abby took a nap while we dyed some Easter eggs. Lexi had a great time, and we made an egg with Abby's name on it so she didn't feel too left out.

Once Abby awoke from her beauty rest, we hightailed out to Cumming to Sami's birthday party. Man, does Angie know how to lay out a spread of food! Unfortunately, half the people that said they'd be there did not show up, but that left more for the rest of us. Anyway, we sang some karaoke which Abby decided she was into.

She finally decided to share the mic with the birthday girl, Sami.

Move over Hannah Montana, here comes Abby!

After karaoke, Angie had the kids hunt some Easter eggs in the backyard. Unfortunately, she didn't chose the hider very carefully as she left it up to her mischievous older boys and they were entirely too creative for the likes of 4 year olds (which was the average of the ages of the kids hunting). I think the kids found half of the eggs before the older boys had to show them where the rest were. At any rate, they had fun and that's what counts.

After the egg hunt, Abby started fussing. Her schedule was way off and it was showing. She didn't want anything to do with me. She didn't want anything to do with Daddy. She did, however, decide that Sam was pretty cool and befriended him.

Finally it was cake and presents time. If you ask Abby it couldn't have come quicker. She perked right up at the thought of sweet, homemade cake. However, once the cake was gone so were her smiles so we had to dodge on out of there before the meltdown.

When we got home, we gave the girls a bath and sent them off to bed. Once they were down, Stefan's energy collapsed and he went to bed too. I gave up about an hour and a half later. I think we were all in bed by 9:30 that night...and boy did we need it!

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