Friday, July 13, 2007

Abbyism of the week

Current mood: amused

I've been giving the girls separate baths since Abby was born. This raises a few eyebrows but with there being a 4 1/2 year age difference, I didn't want to cramp Lexi's style by making her take baths with her baby sister. A few weeks ago, Lexi requested to bathe with Abby and I didn't disuade it. The two had a blast splashing each other and pouring water over each other's heads. Now, I get complaints when I try to remove either one from the tub. Stefan captured Abby's protest one evening with this photo...

He also captured this smily monster one day while I was at school. Gotta love the little curls!

With that aside, here is the Abbyism this week...

Abby is infatuated with herself. I've posted entries before with pictures of her kissing herself in the mirror and questioned if it was narissism. I don't need to wonder anymore. The child is full of herself. If she sees a mirror on the within reach, she kisses it. She loves to primp her hair by scrunching it with her hands, but now... Now, if she sees a brush on the floor, she brushes her own hair. I'm certain this is not the end of this trend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is so adorable. I love the smiley picture with the dribble on her chin.