Friday, July 06, 2007

Lexism of the week

When Lexi was little she was very attached to a Strawberry Shortcake doll as well as an Apple Dumplin doll. Everywhere Lexi went her dolls went too. Over time the dolls became very dingy and, when Lexi was about 4 and her focus shifted to My Little Ponies and Barbies, the old beloved dolls fell to the wayside in the deep throws of her playroom.

Today, Uncle Faron came up and went with me and the girls to dinner and to do some early school supply shopping. Lexi insisted on taking a toy, but was overwhelmed with the selection as we were getting ready to leave and grabbed Apple Dumplin just in time because I was counting down for her to decide on a toy to bring before we left with nothing at all.

In the car, Lexi was becoming reacquainted with her long, lost friend and this was very intriguing to Abby. Faron suggested that Lexi let Abby see the doll for a moment. After much discussion Lexi relented and Abby hugged on the doll and played with its nose for a brief moment in time.

While we were at the store doing Lexi's school supply shopping, I decided to check out the toy aisle for a doll for Abby (she still has birthday money left over to spend). I was going to let Lexi pick the doll out but once again the selection proved too much for her. Finally, I picked a cute little doll out for Abby that was wearing a pick jogging suit. Once bought, Faron tried unsuccessfully to free the doll from its confines. Lexi couldn't wait for the doll to be free. She thought that this was a plaything for her!

When we got in the car, she told us that she would kindly allow Abby to play with Apple Dumplin now if Abby would let Lexi play with HER new doll. It seemed to make perfect sense to her!

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