Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My 29th

Current mood: geeky

So the celebration of my 29th continued today although I was afflicted with a swollen foot ( don't ask because I don't know how it happened) and a migraine. At school it was pretty uneventful as I didn't advertise the fact to anyone. I sent the girls for their Tuesday night sleepover earlier than usual and took the time to do some much needed schoolwork. Later, I went bowling as per the usual and a classmate of mine joined as a sub for the team that we were opposing (also the same team my best friend bowls on). He was the type that admitted he cannot be beat by a girl. I then opened my can of whoop a$$ and bowled a 240 my first game only to be followed by a 200 my second. The third game didn't go as splendidly as I was only able to pull out a 165 for a 605 total series.

Mind you, I have only bowled over a 600 series twice before in my life. In fact, for many years it was the type of score that eluded me. Anyway, the aforementioned guy from my class only bowled a 603 series. It is safe to say that I have some bragging power over him on Thursday. He tried to take some pictures of me "celebrating" with the drinks that fellow league mates were purchasing in my honor ( no, I didn't drive) to use as blackmail, but who can argue the fact that I still beat him? And to boot, I was able to use the lessons learned in class to derive a formula based off of my scores. My teacher would be so proud!!!!

Anyway, the girls are staying the night at Nana and Papaw's house tonight. Stefan is working late and I have to pound out some schoolwork like crazy. In the morning, I have a much-needed hair appointment for a color and trim and then the girls will find their way home.

All in all, I would say that my big 29 went off pretty well. Thanks to all of you that sent your well wishes. Ciao.

1 comment:

Simpleton Too said...

I must say that I never realized how much of a nerd you were until last night.

You must be destined to teach math if you spend your free time deriving formulas! =)