Monday, September 03, 2007


Today is officially the 7th anniversary of the day I married Stefan. I say officially because we celebrated yesterday. We dropped the girls off for a sleep over at Stefan's parents' house, went to work out at the Y, came home and got cleaned up, then we went to Long Horn (using gift cards gifted for the occasion) and a movie (The Nanny Diaries). In between, we had about an hour to kill so we went to Wal-Mart to scope out birthday ideas for Lexi since her birthday is only a month away. It's funny, I think we do that every year when we're out for our anniversary. While perusing the toy aisles, I noticed that Barbie has a new line out (something about the Island Princess) and said that Lexi would probably like that. Today she saw a commercial and guess what...she wants it. Do I know my girl or what?

Anyway, this morning we were able to sleep in until 10:30. It was such a nice break and soooooo needed. Talk about recharging your batteries, that was what I've been needing. Not only do I feel well-rested, but I also feel like it made a little bit of my sinus problems go away. Wouldn't that be nice, if you could just sleep away sinus problems?

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