Saturday, September 01, 2007

Where does time go?

Current mood: fuzzy-headed nostalgia

Stefan "The Handyman" struck again this weekend. He hung a much needed extra shelf in each of the girls' minuscule closets. That meant more work for me. I had to organize their clothes and sort through the existing hanging garbs to weed out the ones that no longer fit. This is always a sad time for me. It makes me realize how much they have grown in such a short time.

I remember when Lexi outgrew her preemie clothes that she wore for the first few months of her life. It saddened me to pack them away but at the same time it made me realize how far she had come from her 1 pound 6 ounce beginning. It was a day with mixed emotions to say the least.

I haven't had such emotional journeys with Abby's closet until today. I was hanging the soon-to-be outgrown 12-18 month clothes on her top rack and bringing down the box of hand-me-downs of 18-24 month fall season clothes left over from Lexi. Now remember the fact that Lexi has a super-petite frame, but it saddened me to see that clothes that Lexi wore only 2-3 years ago are now hanging in Abby's closet to be worn this year! Memories flooded me of things that occurred while Lexi was wearing some of the clothes and I couldn't believe that Abby would be wearing them soon creating even more memories in the same garbs. This also made me realize that Abby, too, is growing up quicker than I would like. I don't know where the last 16 months have gone!

Today we took the girls to the park to play on the playground and it was Abby's first time doing her little toddle waddle around the magnificent play contraption and sliding down the mammoth slides all on her lonesome. After the closet experience and this I am a bit fuzzy headed. I know when I was a child, it seemed like the years dragged on for eternity, but now that I am older it seems like I blink and a year has passed.

Another eye opening milestone that is making me wonder where time has gone is coming up - the 7th anniversary of the day that Stefan and I said our I do's and arguably one of the best days of my life. 7 years! That just amazes me. I remember in my younger days and in previous relationships when a 1 year anniversary seemed like forever to achieve and by then the newness of the relationship had definitely worn off and we were starting to become bored or sick of each other. But here we are rapidly approaching our 7th and it still seems as new as that day in the early Fall 7 years ago when we took each other as lifelong partners. I guess that's how you know it was meant to be - when you can stay with someone that long and still love them as much as the day you began. ::sigh::

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