Friday, September 14, 2007

Lexisms of the week


This week, I attended Curriculum Night at Lexi's school. This is when the entire Kindergarten team gets the parents together to discuss what the goals are for the year. I had to arrange a sitter to stay with the kids because I received a note in Lexi's folder stating that they would like to make an effort for this to be a "adult only" event. Whatever! Anyway, when I was telling Lexi about the sitter, whom had sat before but Lexi never met (I used this sitter for when I was bowling a league that started after Lexi's bedtime) Lexi asked me what I was going to. I told her Curriculum Night. "What's Maricicum Night?" I did my best to spell it the way she said it. Stefan and I just laughed.


Lexi had her first spelling quiz today. Her teacher had sent home a short, 9 word list on Monday. On Monday, we went through the list. On Tuesday we wrote the words. On Wednesday, I had her start spelling the words out loud. On Thursday, I wanted to quiz her like she could expect to be quizzed. By then though Lexi was sick of these nine words and didn't want to participate in the exercise. Thinking quick, I suggested we play school and that I'll be the teacher and she be the student. She quickly agreed and I said, "Okay class. Today we are having a spelling quiz. Get out your pencils and a sheet of paper..." Lexi sprung into action. So much for not wanting to participate. I instructed her to write her name on the top of the paper which she did. Then she looked at me and said, "Mommy, let's pretend you're my teacher from last year, Mrs. E." Too cute. She doesn't forget a thing.

By the way, in our mock quiz she spelled all the words correctly with the exception of 'igloo' which she got on the second try. Not to shabby!!!

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