Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Dear God: A quasy Lexism

Lexi and I have started to reread a bible story book that she has had for some time. We've also read a bible for little eyes a couple of times. I tend to concentrate mostly on the Old Testament since that is a common link between my Methodist background and Stefan's Jewish background. Anyway, we usually would read this at bedtime as her bedtime story per her request and when we were done with the reading I would lead her in prayer giving her prompts like, "What do you want to thank God for?" or "Is there anyone you want to ask God to bless?" You get the point.

All this time I thought that I was doing a decent job in making sure that she understood what we were reading, but this week she has been wanting to pray on her own and this is what she has come out with,


We read the story about God's creation, the Garden of Eden, and Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit. We discussed that it was bad because they didn't obey God and that God would not be happy.

Dear God,

I wish that you could be like me. But you can't because I am me.

Dear God.

[And she opens her eyes to scan my face for approval]

I had to tell her that her goal should be to be like Him. She was upset.


We read about Adam and Eve's struggles outside the Garden, Noah's obedience in building the ark, and God's promise to Abraham to give him many children.

Dear God,

I wish that you would let Adam and Eve stay in the garden. Please obey my word.


Then she opens her eyes and says, "He’s going to get that one for real! FOR REAL!!"

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