Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day Part II

Current mood: happy

My Valentine

Last night, Stefan came home with the most beautiful bouquet of roses, daisies, and lilies (all my absolute favs) and a card for Valentine's Day.

It was a nice surprise considering our gift to each other is our getaway we are taking this weekend to the mountains. We'll have to see how that goes because even Atlanta is expecting snow Saturday, so you can image the condition of the mountain roads in the Smokies. It may just be a quiet weekend here in the homestead.

Stefan took the day off today although it was spent much like any other day - divide and conquer. This morning he took Lexi to school while I got Abby ready for her 9 month well check ( more on that later). He came home and took a shower and we both left the house - he to go back to Lexi's school to help with V Day crafts and me to take Abby to the doc. I intended to go to the gym after the doc, but Abby had other plans. She fell asleep on the way there so I decided to come home.

When Stefan returned, I went to the Y while he attended to Abby, then when I got home he went on a quest for paperwork that is needed for Lexi's speech therapy. Anyway, we didn't get to spend much time together, until he cooked dinner - a lovely filet mignon, with a loaded potato and veggies. Yummmm......

Big Girl Abby

For Christmas, Abby got her first sippy cups. She wasn't ready for them but I've tried a couple of times since to no avail because all she would do was chew on it. Yesterday I tried again and she actually drank from it...that is until I tried to show her how to hold it on her own. Then she wanted to do it all by herself without any of my assistance with very little success.

"Oh sippy...if only I could figure out how to get you to my lips"

"Wait...what are these handle thingies for?"

"Ah sweet success!!!!"

"Success realized is often short-lived"

As for Abby's well-check...she tips the scales at 19 lbs 6 oz and has outgrown her acid reflux (we think). The doctor says that she looks good and that she is beautiful but we all knew that already. When she got her polio 3 shot, she didn't cry, whimper, or sulk. She took it like a champ.

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