Friday, February 23, 2007

Lexism #3

I threw things off last week when I posted Lexism #1 on Monday and then Lexism #2 on Friday (because I was still out of town this Monday). Now I have someone (whose name shall remain anonymous) tell me that I need to post another. I aim to please, so I guess Lexisms will be posted on Fridays.

Board vs. Bored

Lexi has been out of school this week. Monday and Tuesday she seemed to be enjoying the time off. Wednesday, her enthusiasm for "vacation" was underwhelming. The things that had been entertaining her earlier in the week were now overused and over-rated. Wednesday afternoon she came to me and asked if I would play a board game with her.

"Are you bored?" I asked.

"No, a BOARD game!" she replied.

"You can't play a board game unless you're bored, Lexi. Are you bored?" I asked again.

"No! I want to play a board game."

This exchange went on a couple of minutes before you could literally see the light bulb turn on in her mind when she finally understood that I was teasing her. We then played a board game. It was not boring. And she won.

Lexi bonus reel

Thursday when I came home from school you could tell Lexi had an agenda. She again asked to play a board game. When we went into the closet to pick one, she spotted the jewelry-making kit her Nana and Papa gave her for Hanukkah. We made a collar for her baby panda bear that doubles as a bracelet for Lexi when baby panda gets cycled out of her favorite toy of the week collection. We also made a headband for Lexi.

Here's the headband...

Here's Lexi with baby panda and their respective bling, bling.

(The dirt on her nose was not snot, it was the result of licking a huge lollipop that my parents brought home from Disney World - much cuter than snot)

1 comment:

Simpleton Too said...

You know, I was *just* thinking that it had been awhile since I last read a Lexism. That anonymous someone must have been reading my mind. Very perceptive that person is. =)

Maybe you can help me. I think I must have missed a Lexism/post. I don't see the one from Friday you mention.

These are the dates of the posts I can see in Feb:
2/23 (Lexism #3)
2/14 ("surprise cookies" is a cute one)
2/12 (official Lexism of the week)
2/8 (Lexisms)

Let me know!