Friday, February 23, 2007

I laughed until I cried....

I laughed...
During Abby's lunch today, I realized that I have not taken much less posted a picture of her toothy grin since she got teeth on top. Here are the pics that were taken this afternoon. Some will, of course, go on the "goofy face" page o the scrapbook. I'll let you guess which those are.

"I'm the drool monster. I'm gonna get you. Roarrrrrrr!!!!"


"No paparazzi. Gimme that camera!"

...until I cried

Lexi awoke at 3 am this morning with a "big dream" (translated: nightmare). She was feverish, but I wasn't sure if it was just because she was worked up from the dream. Today we dosed her with some Motrin, and she seemed to be her normal self. She rode her scooter around the common area in front of our house, we went to the playground, she played in her playhouse, we went for a walk, and we met my parents for dinner. At dinner is when she started acting peculiar. She was very quiet and timid. At one point, she was shivering like she was cold. She also wanted to be cuddled a lot (I didn't mind this too much).

By the time we left the restaurant, I knew for sure it was fever-related. Confirmation came moments later when she fell asleep before we could leave the parking lot. Abby looked on and laughed at her "Big Sissy" snoozing in the car. I don't think that Abby believed Sissy ever slept the way she was giggling!

Anyway, when we got home I took Lexi's temperature and it was around 100 degrees and she was complaining of a sore throat. She cried through the entire bedtime ritual and she didn't even want to talk Daddy like she does every night at bedtime . Whenever she talked about the way she felt, she would start to cry. I don't think she'll be going to her swim lesson in the morning. I just hope we can make it through the weekend without the need to take her to urgent care. Seeing her like this makes anyone want to cry...okay, maybe just me.


Simpleton Too said...

I hope the Lexi feels better soon. I can't help you with any urgent care locations, but I know my way around a lot of the greater Atlanta hospitals now! *sigh*

Simpleton Too said...

Forgot to add that Abby should go into acting. She can already run circles around many of our rich and famous. I "fear" the drool monster. =)