Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Swimming lessons, snow, and falling hair

Saturday, Lexi started swim lessons for the first time in the indoor pool of the Y that I belong to. She's been looking forward to this for weeks. As per her usual, she built her anticipation the entire time, but when it came time for THE day, she crumbled. When they called her name to go into the pool area, Stefan walked with her and she flaked saying that she needed to go to the bathroom - her usual routine when she's asked to do something she doesn't want to. After her field trip to the
lavatory, she went in but only if Stefan went with her. He catered to her as she remained crouched into a ball with her back to the other kids in her class. It wasn't until I text messaged him telling him to come out to the viewing area or she would never open up that he left her. I knew that she would never learn to trust her coach as long as she has Mommy or Daddy to fall back on as this is the exact way she acted at dance class. Not to mention the fact that she would think that this should be the routine for future lessons. Nope it had to stop. So, after my message to Daddy he reluctantly came out to the viewing area and Lexi stopped her sulking. As always...Mommy knows best!

After the swim lesson, we swooped home to pick up the dogs and the trip gear and take the kiddies and pups to Nana and Papas. Once the hand off was complete Mommy and Daddy headed off to the mountains. The drive wasn't too bad, but it did start snowing just outside of Knoxville. The flakes went from super small to huge before we finally made it to our cabin in the mountains of Pigeon Forge. The first night the roads got bad and when we tried to leave the cabin to get a bite to eat, we could not get down the mountain because cars were spinning out like crazy. We conceded and headed back.

Meanwhile, with only a few packets of oatmeal and grits (a southern delicacy I have yet to acquire the taste for), I had visions of the movie "Alive" when the survivors started eating the backside flesh of the deceased for nourishment. I told Stefan that if I died of starvation, he could eat my butt. With a slight chuckle, we decided that we would head to town to get some food from the store so if we were snowed in Sunday we would have to resort to eating butt. We made it down the mountain and were able to stock up on enough to keep us the weekend if need be. This is what we awoke to Sunday morning (which by the way melted in the early afternoon although temperatures remained in the freezing range).

It was a nice weekend, but all good things must come to an end. We left around noon on Sunday (delayed one hour due to a couple of cars the found themselves in a ditch and thus blocked traffic in both directions leaving the cabin). We stopped by the outlet mall and got some really good deals for clothes for the girls. Then we drove home and picked up the girls.

I went to school this morning while Stefan took Lexi to the dentist (she has two loose teeth by the way). My mom watched Abby and my dad took the dogs to the groomer. I think when we scheduled the day we may have bitten off more than we could chew. We handled it none the less. After school, Lexi and I went to return some Peter Pan peanut butter (we had two jars) and get some groceries. I suggested that we get the haircut she's been asking for and she agreed. She wanted it like mine, but Daddy says that is too short, so she settled for this. Turn up the sound and press the arrow to play.

And if you can't play that...

Here's the front...

...and here's the back

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