Monday, June 11, 2007

Mommy said "no"

The girls have been battling little bugs for the last week - Lexi with a cold and Abby with a sinus infection. Lexi's been tolerable. Abby's been terrible. Her entire demeanor has changed. Normally, Abby is the type of child that'll eat anything as long as you're willing to feed it to her. She never met a food she didn't like.

As of late, she has started the annoying and disgusting habit of oozing food from her mouth whenever she decides that enough is enough. The other day I scolded her telling her "no" and she freaked out on me. She kept at it long enough that I was able to located the camera in the next room get it ready and capture the video of her hysteria that you can see by clicking on this link or the one entitled "Mommy said 'no'" under Stuff that Makes Me Laugh.

Quite the little actress!

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