Wednesday, June 06, 2007

In the words of my father-in-law, "It's better to be a little behind than to be a big a--"

Current mood: busy

My goodness! Hello people of Bloggertopia! I did not realize that it has been a week since the last time I posted. We've been so busy and I guess it just slipped my mind. Anyway, thanks for all of those that have hung in there and continued to check back regardless.

I started my summer course schedule last Thursday. This class is going to be tough but it is very interesting. Basically, it is a math course that takes basic concepts and ideas and makes them extremely advanced. There is not an existing text that covers this so the teacher has written her own "book". The class is taught in an open forum which basically means that the teacher initiates topics and we work together to solve problems and whatnot. The purpose? To show that there is more than one way to solve a problem. Students go to the board and show their reasoning and the others critique it. It's a lot of fun. In fact, yesterday I showed my work on a problem and it was totally different than everyone else's methods. I was fearful of the critique, but it was positive. The students were...would I sound cocky if I said "amazed"? The teacher was impressed and even said that she was going to add a section to the book discussing my method. How cool is that?

Lexi's dance recital was Saturday. It was so CUTE!!!! There was a huge age range but of course the little kids stole the show. Lexi made it on stage with no melt downs and actually seemed like she was soaking in the spotlight. We were so proud of her.

(Sorry for the quality, we were sitting in the back to facilitate quick exits if Abby acted up)

The little boy I mentioned in this post was there because his big sister was performing. I'm glad Lexi didn't see him until after her performance because she still carries a bit of a grudge for the many things he did to her throughout the school year (teasing, kicking, bullying). In fact, on the way to the car he was running on the long sidewalk ahead of us (his parents were strolling behind us). Lexi started to run after him. We stopped her but she protested that she wanted to say something to him.

"What do you want to tell him?" we asked as we were loading her into the car.

She said, "DJ, you were mean to me and I don't know why. And, I...don'!!!"

I'm glad we were out of earshot from him and his family at that point. Could you imagine?

After the recital, the girls spent the night with my parents while Stefan and I met with some friends of ours for a yummy steak dinner (it was too much, but I was determined to finish it and did) and bowling (this justified the overeating because I figured I was working it off). It was a fun evening - something we should do more often.

When we got the girls back on Saturday morning my mom told me they both had been coughing. Uh oh!!! It was bad enough that I took them both to the pediatrician on Monday and it turns out that Lexi only has a cold, but Abby has a sinus infection. They're just little bundles of joy as you can imagine.

Yesterday, while sitting in her high chair, Abby figured out how to snap! She's been rubbing her thumb to her middle finger for a week or so, but yesterday was an audible snap. I tried to capture it on video, but she froze when she saw the usual.

Abby also decided she wants to take over the dogs' crates. Stefan was able to capture her trying to evict Cassi the other day.

Cassi won

For the last couple of months, my gym routine has gotten out of whack. I'm still going at least 2 times a week, but the days vary and I used to be on a religious 3 day per week schedule. In an effort to get myself back on track, I decided I would start working out on Tuesdays and Thursdays before school and one day on the weekend. I think this schedule will work out good for me and the family, but starting next week Tuesdays will be crammed. My day will look something like this.

6:30 Wake up
6:50 Get to gym
9:00 The latest time I can leave the gym
9:15 Shower
9:45 Leave for school to ensure a parking space
11:00 - 1:45 Class
2:15 - 5 Hang out with the girls at home/prepare for evening
6:00 - Lexi's dance class
7:00 - shuttle girls to inlaws for sleepover
9:00 - bowl league with one of my best friends of 11 years!!!!
12:00 - hopefully be done with bowling
12:30 - Get home/crash

One of my friends, Diane, once said, "Kaiti, as if you're not busy as it is with school and family, then you find an extra 30 minutes in a day and cram 2 hours of stuff into that!"

She was so right.

Anyway, that gets you all caught up. Sorry it was so long-winded. Until next time!

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