Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Current mood: totally amused

I've been taking videos of the girls like crazy the last couple of days. Speaking of crazy...that was a totally unintended segue but I'll take it.

There's been a song burning up the airwaves by Gnarls Barkley. You can see the video here

Well, Lexi loves this song and has been singing it lately. Here's a video of her rendition.


The girls stayed the night at Nana and Papaw's last night while I was able to steal a few hours of mom time with some friends while bowling a league. When Abby returned, I was told of her new nuance. She shakes her head "no". This is cute because she looks like a little bobblehead. She'll do something and you tell her "no". She'll shake her head and then continue doing the very thing you just scolded her for.

Also, ever since Lexi's recital, she dances whenever she hears music. She'll tap her feet, strike a ballerina pose, or just shake her moneymaker. Today she was playing with her activity table when the "Mexican Hat Dance" song started and so did she.

Gotta love kids and the laughs the give us for free.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our granddaughters are so talented and entertaining. Maybe one day they'll be on "So You Think You Can Dance!"

They are both precious and we enjoyed our sleepover.