Saturday, June 09, 2007

Planning vs. spontaneity

Current mood: blah

In this world there are planners and spontaneous people alike. Planners schedule things, live by their PDAs and Blackberrys and calendars, and itenarize their lives. There is nothing wrong with that if that is what makes them happy. Then there are spontaneous people that are almost phobic of planning anything.

I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with either way. I can see the benefits and pitfalls of both. Stefan and I are a mix between the two; however, I find that when we try to plan things it is usually chores or things that must be done. We never tend to plan our fun stuff.

Last night we were texting back-and-forth like we usually do on Fridays while he is at work trying to figure out what we were going to do this weekend. We decided to do something fun and take the girls to the zoo. This had to be scheduled around all the other must do's of the weekend and we found some time Sunday afternoon to go. I'm glad I didn't mention anything about it to Lexi because Stefan called from work at 10:30 to tell me his stomach was rejecting anything he put into it.

When he got home it was not a restful sleep for either of us as he made multiple trips to the restroom at the mercy of the bug that was obviously feeding on the idea that we actually made plans and wanted to destroy them. I guess it was a warning that we shouldn't have tried to plan something fun. What were we thinking?

Needless to say I don't think a visit to the chimps and pandas and such are in the plans anymore. I guess I'll have to settle for doing Math homework instead. Yippee!!!!

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