Saturday, July 26, 2008

Abbyisms of the week

Sweet Dreams

Every time Abby gets up from her nap I ask her four questions.

1) Did you have a good nap?
2) Did you have dreams?
3) Who was in your dream?
4) What were they doing?

To which she responds yes, yes, Papaw, and sleeping respectively. Every day. Same answers. Too cute!

Ruff! Ruff!

Abby does a great dog impersonation. She has a very convincing ankle-biter bark. Today, while I was cleaning the kitchen floor she climbed into the dog crate which had been relocated to the living room and began to bark. If I didn't know better, I would've thought there was a new puppy in our house!

They're here!

Every time our dogs bark toward the front of the house Abby thinks someone is here to visit with her. "They're he-ear! They're he-ear!" (spelled the way she says it) she'll scream with a level of excitement that breaks your heart to squelch her enthusiasm by informing her that no one is here. Poor Abby. She needs more visitors.

If God Had Intended Her to Cook and Clean, She Would've Been Born With Stainless Steel Hands

While I was finishing cleaning the kitchen, Abby seized the opportunity to play mommy. She dragged a chair over to the sink and began rinsing her play dishes in the sink. Stefan captured this Abbyism on camera. Hey, you're never too young to learn!

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