Friday, July 18, 2008

Movin' on up!!!

Abby's been able to climb out of her crib since before she turned two. This mad bedtimes a chore as she would climb out over and over. It seemed that the only thing that would work to keep her in her crib was if Stefan or I sat on the floor in her room until she drifted off to dreamland. Most of the time this would take an hour and was a thorn in our back sides for quite awhile. I didn't want to convert her crib to a toddler bed until she understood that when we lay her down, it is bedtime and that bedtime is not optional. Well, it didn't quite get to that point, but we decided to convert it anyway. Of course she would still climb right out of bed so we had to turn her door knob around so that we could lock it from the hallway. This was a God send. She would run to the door and scream for about 2 minutes, then quietly climb into bed and drift off to sleep at which point we would unlock the door again.

Lately, she's bed sleeping in all sorts of contorted positions and I was becoming concerned that she'd fall off her toddler bed. She needed a bigger mattress to move on. So we began thinking about big girl furniture. I couldn't find anything that I thought was as cute as the adorable set that Lexi got for her big girl room. I then started thinking that Lexi would soon need a desk for her room, but there was nowhere to put it. My solution? A loft bed for Lexi and handing down Lexi's flower furniture to Abby. Stefan tended to agree. We went shopping to research what was out there and prices and whatnot thinking that the actual purchase would be further down the road. We found a pricey system at Haverty's that we liked, but weren't willing to pay the price, delivery, and junk charges. So I was talking to a friend about it and she found a gently used system that was exactly what we wanted for a fraction of the cost. I went and checked it out on Monday and we bought it. There was no time to set it up, though, so we kept it in the garage.

So, Wednesday while Stefan was out working, I began the task of clearing Abby's room. Breaking down the crib/toddler bed and moving what I could on my own. Abby was hysterical during this time. She was trying to put a baby doll to bed on the crib frame as I was taking it apart. I thought she would become worried with the fact that her room was being gutted, but it was like she knew exactly what was going on. When Stefan came home later that day, we fed the girls dinner and began on the larger task at hand...moving Lexi's furniture to Abby's room, setting it up, putting Abby to bed, moving Lexi's furniture from the garage to her room, setting IT up, and putting HER to bed. We did not finish until 10:30 and that was way past Lexi's bedtime but here are the end results.

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