Saturday, July 12, 2008

And So Begins Another Decade...

It's official. On Thursday I entered into my third decade. I didn't have any earth-shattering realizations that typically accompany such a milestone which was nice. I don't feel 30, many tell me that I don't LOOK 30, so I'm fine with it. Age is, after all, just a number. So how did I celebrate? Here's the break down.

- Thursday - I woke up 30 minutes late for school, stumbled into the bathroom to get
myself ready before my eyes were focusing and stepped into a puddle of
dog poo. Nice. Apparently, the illness that Lou contracted from the
kennel while we went to Pigeon Forge was passed on to Cassi and the
evidence was all over our bathroom floor.
- I went to school where it was the same crap, different day.
- Had dinner with my parents at Long Horn. It was nice until Abby pitched a fit
and Stefan had to leave the table with her.
- Came home and gave the girls a bath while Stefan ran out to the store for
diapers. Went downstairs after laying Abby down to find Stefan and Lexi
hovering over a cake with 3 candles on it. Apparently Stefan felt bad that I
cut dinner short and didn't order my favorite fried cheesecake dessert at the
restaurant, so he got me this to make up for it. Lexi knew the entire time he
was gone and didn't breath a word about it. She's very good with secrets
in spite of her 6 years.
- Andrea, Molli, and Jamie picked me up at 8:45 to go out. They made me wear a
tiara and carry a wand wherever we went. We went to a mom & pop joint on the
lake, but it was pretty lame (no music, no air conditioning, etc.) so we went
to a place to play pool in Towne Lake; however, it was poker night and they
wouldn't let anyone in the pool/game room. Went from there, to The Place where
we heard there was karaoke on Thursdays. Only planned on staying for a bit,
but stayed awhile because Molli spilled a drink all over a guy who in turn to
thank her for his nontraditional shower bought all 4 of us quite a few drinks.
Was dared to sing a song that was probably not well-suited for the more mature
audience, but they all got a good laugh. They dropped me off at 1:30 and I
couldn't go to sleep until almost 4.

Friday - I relaxed and spent the day with the girls while Stefan was out doing his lawn stuff.
- Played a few games of "Pretty, pretty, princess" and watched 2 movies on Lifetime. - Dropped the girls off at my in-law's for a sleepover which they were both very
excited about.
- I went and got a pedicure with a friend from school. I haven't had one of those in
a loooooooong time, so that was just what the doctor ordered!
- Met some friends at their house to play some "Guitar Hero Aerosmith" and eat pizza
before we moved on to the final destination of the night...
- Went to the Roswell bowling alley for more karaoke. Usually this place is slow
with just a few singers, so I figured it would be a good place to have a get
together; however, last night is the busiest I have seen it in 9 years and there
were a ton of singers, so we each got to sing only 2 or 3 songs in the course of 5
hours. It was a bit disappointing, but it was cool to just hang out. Before life
and kids happened, many of us used to hang out quite frequently so it had a bit of
a nostalgic air to the night because we never get to hang out like that on a
regular basis anymore.
- Went to Waffle House and came home.

Saturday - slept in until 10:30. I never get to do that anymore. This was a gift in and of itself.

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