Friday, July 25, 2008

Gimme a Break!

Last night, Stefan and me were outside with the girls while they rode their bikes. Correction: Lexi rode her bike. Abby alternated between her trike, her bike, and her scooter. At about 7:15, Abby became very fussy. It was, after all, 15 minutes until her bedtime. We had had enough, so I decided it was time for everyone to go inside to get ready for bed. Stefan took Abby and I walked Abby's bike back across the street. Meanwhile, Lexi had taken her helmet off so I instructed her to walk her bike home as well. Suddenly, Lexi started crying and I looked behind me to see her running toward me point to her wrist. She was hysterical and couldn't tell me at all what had happened. I told her to go inside with Daddy while I retrieved her bike and helmet. When I lifted the bike, I noticed that one of the training wheels had come loose. I suspect she was walking the bike when this happened and her (being the epitome of grace) lost her balance and got tangled in the bike as they both tumbled to the ground.

Once inside, I looked at Lexi's wrist. It was swollen and somewhat discolored. Stefan and I worked together to administer Motrin and ice. Then I asked her if she could wiggle her fingers. She continued to cry. She was sobbing so violently that she almost threw up! Stefan tried to lighten the mood by asking if the sidewalk was okay. She didn't crack a smile. We knew if must be super serious. Finally she tried to move her fingers and said that it hurt too bad. Stefan and I decided at that point it was time to take her in.

After going to an urgent care that said that, with my specific insurance I would have to pay out of pocket and submit the claim myself, I took her down to Children's Healthcare's Urgent Care who I KNEW takes our insurance. While in the waiting room I noticed she was not babying her wrist at all. I told her that if her hand was not hurting, she needed to tell me so we could go home. She vehemently insisted that it hurt something awful! When we finally saw the doctor, she asked Lexi if she was in pain and Lexi said, "Nope" very matter-of-factly. I was appalled. My jaw was on the floor. After that, every question the doctor asked was answered in direction contradiction than what she had told me. The doctor said that we'd do x-rays as a precaution since the wrist was so swollen. She left the room and I turned to Lexi. "It doesn't hurt?" I asked.
"No," she sheepishly replied.
"Why did you tell me it did?"
"I thought you'd be mad."

WHAT?!?!? She thought I'd be mad if she saved me money on an urgent care copay? That doesn't make any sense.

So, the x-ray tech came to take the pictures and asked what happened. I repeated the story and he repeated the sentiments of the doctor...this is just a precaution. While he was uploading the images, he looked up and said, "Good job, Mom." I was confused. Was this sarcasm? Was this an accusation? He explained that she had two small breaks. I was in shock! I felt terrible for the fact that I had considered suggesting to her to tough it out. Anyway, they put her in a splint and a sling and directed me to take her to an orthopaedic doctor in the morning. So, that's what I did.

Here are pictures from today's appointment.

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