Saturday, August 18, 2007

School, school, school

Last week was the beginning of Fall semester for me. This is the first time I have attempted going to school full-time since Abby has graced our lives with her presence. It will be a challenge, but I am determined to make it.

Lexi's doing well with school. Her teacher uses a behavior system with colors as follows...
Blue - extraordinarily good
Green - good
Yellow - a warning
Red - a timeout.

I am happy to report that Lexi has been on green or higher everyday since school began. That's about all we hear from her. When we ask her how her day is, she'll say fine. We'll ask what she did and she'll say that she doesn't know. But as the evenings progress she exclaim with delight something that she did or someone's name that she played with as though the thought just struck her upside the head. This is funny to me.

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