Tuesday, August 28, 2007

More lost teeth

Since Lexi lost her first tooth the one next to the void has been a wiggler. Today, I took her to the dentist and they said that they expected the wiggler to fall out soon because the permanent tooth from the first was coming up. Well today I was folding laundry upstairs with Abby roaming around at my feet when Lexi started crying from downstairs. I called down the stairs for her to tell me what was wrong and she said I needed to come down. When I arrived in the kitchen she was standing at the counter where the paper towel holder hangs from under the cabinet. She had pulled the towels out to the edge of the counter and blood was dripping from her mouth. I thought she had fallen and busted her chin but she pointed to the tic-tac sized tooth sitting on the counter. This is #2. The Tooth Fairy has more work to do.

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