Friday, March 09, 2007

Bear with me as I'm a bit blog heavy today

Abby's new trick

Today, I took the girls over to my parents' house to do a couple of things for them. While there, Lexi played with some Lego style blocks but Abby kept wanting to get the blocks from her. So, Lexi did what she normally does and tried to put them out of Abby's reach by moving them up to the fireplace hearth where she filled a toy dump truck and dumped them over and over. This was too much temptation for Abby to resist so she wormed (literally her crawl looks like she's doing the worm) over to the hearth and....pulled herself up for the first time ever!!! I happened to have my camera in-hand so here are the pics.

Hmmmm....what's this?

See sissy? I'm big too!!!!

Can I play with that truck? Oh yes I can!

The second time she tried to do it, she got up to a push up position but forgot how she got her feet under her so she bawled her eyes out until Grammy rescued her. Anyway, you can tell that Lexi was thrilled with Abby's new skill set.

Lexism 2.0

From my parents' house, we went to Cracker Barrel for dinner. On the way there Lexi asked me where Daddy was. I told her that he was at work. She persisted to ask where and I reiterated that he was at work at the print shop. She asked if we could pretend that Daddy was in the car and I obliged. Little did I know how far this would go.

When we got to Cracker Barrel and were walking from the car to the building Lexi had a stuffed animal that she was holding the hand of. When I went to grab her other hand, she screamed an emphatic "No!" When I tried to reprimand her for it, she said that Daddy was holding that hand.

Inside, we had an extra chair at the table that she insisted was for Daddy. Through dinner, she made a few references to Daddy being at the table. When we went to leave, she went to "Daddy's chair" and pushed it in.

I'm in for it if this continues until June. It breaks my heart but I guess it's her coping mechanism for dealing with Daddy being gone all the time.

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