Friday, March 09, 2007

Lexism of the week

The Lexism this week is brought to you by...the fibers in our bodies that make us feel sensations of touch.

Today, on the way home from school I was telling Lexi our agenda for today and tomorrow. Today is busy with preparing for the events that will occur tomorrow one such event being Corey's (my nephew) birthday party. Lexi was grasping all the information when she had the realization that tomorrow was also her swim lessons.

"Mommy, tomorrow is my swim lesson," she said. I ignored it.

She repeated, "Hey Mommy, you know what? Tomorrow is my swim lesson." I ignored.

She gasped as though the thought just hit her, "Mommy! Tomorrow is my swim lesson!"

I looked to Stefan and said something along the line of 'Haven't I heard this before?'

We repeated the phrase a couple of times back and forth teasing Lexi that she had repeated herself time and again when she said,

"Stop saying that! You're getting on my nerves!"

Why I oughtta.... Out of the mouths of babes, huh?

1 comment:

Simpleton Too said...

Hey, Kaiti....tomorrow is Lexi's swim lesson!

tee hee...she's too funny.