Friday, March 02, 2007

Lexism #4

Current mood: proud

The day after Faron moved into his new home, I took the girls to drop some stuff off directly from picking Lexi up from Pre-K. Doing this postponed Lexi's after school snack. While at Faron's house, Lexi asked him for a snack. Of course, since he had just moved his stuff there the previous day, his cabinets nor refrigerator were ready for such a request. He told her that he didn't have any snacks and I told her to wait until we got home.

Pulling away from Faron's house, Lexi was talking about the snacks she would have once we got home. Then she had an epiphany.

"I know, Mommy! We can share our snacks with Uncle Faron!"

It made perfect sense to her. I chose this for the Lexism this week because it was a proud mommy moment for me for many reasons.
1) She was thinking of Uncle Faron's needs.
2) She was willing to share without being asked.
3) She made the connection on her own of the two factors which showed great
critical thinking.

I could go on.

These are all well and good; however, totally not characteristic of the average 5 year old.

That's my sweet girl!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lexi was so sweet to care about Uncle Faron. I'm so proud of her for wanting to share her snack with Uncle Faron.