Saturday, March 17, 2007


Current mood: bored

The Lexism this week is brought to you by todos los osos enfermados (if you can read that, good for you).

Yesterday, Lexi came home from school and disappeared into the black hole that is her playroom. After about an hour of silence, she burst out and came running into the living room with her brown teddy bear (Tim - named after the bear in the "Dick and Jane" books from years gone by). She informed me in the most empathetic way that Tim was sick. She then set him up with a makeshift bed with a pillow and a blanket for poor Tim. I suggested that she read him a book and she wanted to read a Dora book that she can't quite read. I suggested that she read "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see?" (a book that Nana gave her last weekend).

"Tim is afraid of bears!" she exclaimed. So, she read the Dora book as best as she could.

The next step to Tim's illness was that he had a fever. Lexi went upstairs and came back down with a thermometer. She stuck it under his arm, pressed the button and gasped as it read "Lo°". Which Lexi read as L-O-o.

She informed me that his fever was L-O-o.

I just scratched my head. Poor, Tim.

UPDATE: Tim's fever broke Friday night and he is being ignored today.

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