Saturday, April 14, 2007

Lexism 2.0 for the week

Current mood: giggly

Growing up, my dad (for various reasons) would chidingly offer us a "wrap in the snot locker" as a joke. Not that he ever meant it or did it for that matter. I don't think I completely grasped that he meant a punch in the nose until I was about 7 or so. Well, like many, I have become my parents and certain things they said or did while I was growing up (that I swore I would NEVER do when I became a parent) are beginning to pepper my daily dealings with my little munchkins.

Today on the way home from a birthday party, I asked Lexi what she wanted for lunch. She was SOOO indecisive so I asked if she wanted a cheeseburger or a wrap in the snot locker. After a couple of seconds passed, she said "I want a snack in the lunch locker."

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