Friday, April 27, 2007

Stefan's looney mutt

Current mood: amused

Stefan's dog is seriously quirky as you've been able to discern in my previous posts relating to Looney Lou. Just when you think he's starting to border on "normal" he does something else to make you shake your head.

Lou sleeps in a crate and enjoys it believe it or not. He has comfy quarters. We even made a sleeping bag out a fleece mat for him to be more comfortable. Well, after a year (and spotting a good deal on a bigger, comfier fleece at BJ's) we replaced his ratty, old sleeping bag with a new fleece. This thing is entirely too big for his crate, but it gives him more material to work with when creating his "nest" in his crate.

Tonight, Lou dragged the fleece out of his crate and worked tirelessly to smooth it out so no wrinkles would cramp his style. This went on for 15 minutes before he was able to conquer the task. Now he will NOT budge from his spot no matter how you try to coerce him away from it. Too funny.

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