Thursday, May 17, 2007

And to the Green Publix...

Current mood: giggly

Abby had her one year well-check today. She weighs 21 pounds (50th percentile) and 30 inches long (75th percentile). The doctor said that she is looking really good and that we're doing a good job. ::beam:: We got the go ahead to give her whole milk and transition her to table foods. She had two shots and of course she screamed this time. She sulked in the car on the way home until the sandman took her over.

Later in the day, I took the girls to Wal-Mart to stock up on the new foods Abby would require. On the way there Lexi was telling me about her Spring program being next week. I asked what they would be doing and she told me in a scolding tone that it was a secret and I would have to wait and see next week. Bad Mommy!!!!

She then proceeded to tell me about the Pledge of Allegiance (hmmmm...will this be part of the program?) and started to recite it. This is her interpretation

I pledge the allegencks to the flag
of the you nighted steaks of the merica
and to the Green Publix
for the witch it stands
one nation, under God, in the invisible
with liverty and justice for all!!!!

Too cute!

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