Friday, May 25, 2007

Lexism of the week

This week's Lexism is brought to you by Bumble Bees Bee're solution to pesky, dirty bugs.

As you heard and read in my last post, part of Lexi's spring program was a song about a bumble bee. It goes like this (a much cleaner version than others I've heard before),

(Hold hads together and cupped)
I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee
Won't my mommy be so proud of me?
I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee
Ouch! It stung me!!!

(Act as though smashing something between hands)
I'm smashing up my baby bumble bee
Won't my mommy be so proud of me?
I'm smashing up my baby bumble bee
(Open hands to show the palms)'s messy

(Wipe hands on front of shirt or pants)
I'm wiping off my baby bumble bee
Won't my mommy be so proud of me?
I'm wiping off my baby bumble bee
(Show palms again)
Now my mommy won't be mad at me.

Today Uncle Faron came over to play with Lexi after his workday was done. Lexi was thrilled and was wearing her favorite dress for the occasion. He asked her to show him a song she performed yesterday. She started the bumble bee song. She got to the part about wiping off the baby bumble bee, stopped singing, and asked me to sing the rest. I told her no knowing that she was fully capable of finishing the song herself.

Her response?

You're gonna laugh because this is something only Lexi would do.

She said, "But I don't want to get it on my dress!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very funny......from Daddy.