Thursday, May 31, 2007

Today's forecast: smoky with a chance of fresh air

Current mood: indifferent

For quite some time a fire has been burning near the Florida-Georgia border. This is far from where we live, but for the last couple of weeks weather systems have blown the smoke to our little town. This has been wreaking havoc on asthmatics and those with allergies and makes it quite unbearable to breathe. For that reason, we have yet to visit our neighborhood pool. I don't know when we will get a chance to do so because it has been closed for chemical concerns. Go figure.

Yesterday there was an escaped prisoner on the loose near our neighborhood. Apparently, he was being transported from a local jail and the transporting officer decided to stop at the grocery store which gave the prisoner a chance to flee. What a stupid move. The area was bombarded with police cruisers both marked and unmarked and overhead helicopters buzzed for hours. It was quite a scary time especially seeing police patrol through our neighborhood at unprecedented levels and police road stops right in front of the neighborhood. Times like that make me glad Stefan works second shift (<-- sarcasm here). We made it through word on the prisoner but police activity is back to normal if that means anything. Who knows?

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